‘Found metal’ sculptures from Joe Pogan

recycled animal sculptures

Look at these items. They are things that’d immediately catch your eye if they sit on shelves in gift stores. You would love to receive one of these as a gift and would probably buy it as gift for your dear ones. I can imagine your surprise when you would take a close look at it and discover what these eye-catchers are made of!

“Found metal” objects like old watches, sprockets, nuts and bolts turn into beautiful decorative pieces when they come into Joe Pogan’s hands. As if by magic.

According to the sculptor, The stranger the piece of metal the better, since the end goal is an eye-catching, fascinating amalgamation of metal with odd nooks and crannies you can explore for hours.

Apart from the ones you can see in the accompanying pictures, he has a whole range of similar items in his fascinating store. Check them out.

Via: Crooked Brains

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