Ford Nucleon: A nuclear-powered ‘concept car’ from the 50s

nuclear powered ford nucleon

While the world is hugely banking on nuclear power to save the environment of green house gases, Ford Motor Company nuclear-powered concept car comes back to focus. It was developed in 1958.

There is no internal-combustion engine in the car. It was rather, powered by a small nuclear reactor placed in the trunk of the car. At the rear, a power capsule also suspends between twin booms. The capsule contained radioactive core for motive power. It was designed so that it could be interchanged easily, according to the need of the performance and the distances the car would travel.

A car like the Nucleon would be able to travel 5,000 miles or more! However, it depends on the size of the core, without recharging. This is impressive for a car lover or an environmentalist, if not for a medical parsonell, as nuclear enegy is a never-ending subject of environment versus health controversy.

Via: wikipedia

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