Floating Wonder of Qatar: A sustainable stadium in the sea!

floating off shore football stadium

In the latest display of architectural brilliance and eco-friendliness of large constructions, the German architectural firm, Stadium Concept has developed the new prototype, which would allow a fully functional stadium with all modern amenities, to be floating on water.

These unique credentials would give the added flexibility of transportation of the venue around the world, as per demand. The concept was developed keeping in view the importance of maximizing the use of financial resources, and also maintaining the ecological balance. Unlike traditional stadiums, this one comes empowered with a highly efficient mechanism of eco-friendly systems such the hydro-power, wind and solar energy systems, making it dependent on nature friendly processes to meet its energy requirements.

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The structure comes as a multi-level venue, where the base comprises of a floating disk, the Pontoon Ring and the main stadium bay. The level above would have the stadium access, and will serve as the level of the sports pitch. Around the pitch level, would be the main structure of the stadium bowl, meant for housing the audience. Above the stadium bowl, would be the stadium roof, which would act as the main cover for the whole structure.

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This concept of a sporting venue, which can be transported around the globe, is indeed new one, and a model for all others to follow. As for investor interests, nothing better could serve them as the higher utilization of the ‘mobile’ venue would ensure higher return on stakeholder investments. With the use of nature friendly mechanisms, there is bound to be little or no detrimental effect on the eco-system, which is another point garnering attention. What remains to be seen, are the final outlay and practical functionality of this architectural marvel in the times to come.

Via: Evolo

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