FLEXI – An energy-efficient LED lamp for outdoor use

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Eco Factor: Concept lamp reduces energy use with LEDs.

In addition to food, water and radios, one thing that camping enthusiasts never forget is taking a flashlight along with additional ambient sources of illumination. Industrial designers Kyeore Kim, Jaesuk Han, Sungkuk Hong and Sena Joo are trying to reduce the weight of their backpacks with a concept solution dubbed FLEXI.

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The all-in-one lighting solution for outdoor use is a flexible flashlight that can be used for both directional light and ambient illumination. When direction light is needed, the flexible sheet can be rolled in the form of a flashlight and when only ambient light is needed, the FLEXI can be used like an open sheet.

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The concept is made of a thin rectangular silicon pad which is fitted with powerful but energy-efficient LED lights along its edge. The users can roll the pad into different shapes for different types of lighting needs.

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Via: Tuvie

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