First Zero-emission home revealed

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UK has unveiled first of its kind zero emission home that would set the environmental standard for all new homes in the future, especially at this time when global warming is hovering around our planet.

The house derives all its energy on its own from renewable resources as sun, wind and water, cutting off 60% heat than a normal home. The two-bedroom house features solar panels, a biomass boiler, which runs on organic fuels such as wood pellets and water efficiency devices such as rainwater harvesting, a waste separation system that allows combustible waste to be burnt to help supply energy and power.

The zero-emission home has been designed keeping in mind the rules to be applied in 2016 that aim to make homes in the country more energy-efficient. It has the distinction of being the first to attain level six of the Code for Sustainable Homes that makes it a carbon neutral house.

It has been categorized as zero-emission since the carbon dioxide it lets off during the combustion process is offset by the amount absorbed when the fuel crop was grown. The house has a smart metering device that will keep the inhabitants aware of how much energy they consume or spend.

Kingspan, an Ireland-based materials specialist, has designed the home with designer Alan Shingler and architect Sheppard Robson playing a key role. The company unveiled the design at the Offsite 2007 exhibition in Watford.

The company admits that the building cost is 40% more than the standard home. But, the construction cost gets cheaper if around 250 such houses are built together. Also, its annual energy bill would be £31, as compared to £500 for the standard new home of the same size.

About a quarter of UK carbon emissions come from homes. The zero-emission home could act as environment friendly and be a savior in many respects, and also a zero-carbon home would be exempt from stamp duty in the country.

At this time, when the temperatures are rising owing to heat emitted by houses, vehicles, factories, a house of this type is an added advantage, especially when you are seriously thinking of fighting global warming.


Via: BBC

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