FDK,Takayanagi team up to launch new EV powered by Li-ion capacitor

FDK Takayanagi  EV

With the continuous price hike in car fuel, the automobile industry is coming up with promising concepts of electric vehicles (EV). One of the latest of such concepts comes from FDK Corp and Takayanagi Co Ltd. Exhibited at the Automotive Next Industry Fair 2011 from June 15 to 17, 2011 in Tokyo, the model will be presumably released in 2012. This newly conceived single-seater EV by FDK and Takayanagi is attached with a Lithium-ion (Li-ion) capacitor that marks its uniqueness. Capable of getting charged in a minute, the EV can cover 5 km per charge.

Takayanagi had earlier manufactured the EV with the name “Miliura” which was equipped with lead battery. The new EV will see the same four-wheeled model but with Li-ion capacitor in place of lead battery. The new vehicle weighs about 220kg excluding the weight of the capacitor which is alone 40kg.

This new EV is packed with eight units of FDK’s “ECM45” capacitor module that has a power capacity of 36Wh ( 290 Wh in total). Two of the modules are placed in the front side of the vehicle while the rest are placed in the rear end. Connected in parallels, each pair of serially- connected modules form four neat lines. The entire Li-ion capacitor has a voltage of 90V while each module produces 45V of power.

FDK Takayanagi  EV

Being a rear wheel drive type, the EV is equipped with two motors that are built by Advanced DC Inc., whose maximum output is 1.75KW. The EV also boasts of a speed of 80 km per hour. Though it sounds exciting but it must be kept in mind that this electric vehicle has the capacity to cover just 5 km per charge.

Takayanagi maintains that this EV can be used to go for shopping at a nearby market where it can be charged again in order to get back to home. Now that may sound something new for people who go to the market that exists within more or less similar distance in bi-cycles or by foot daily, but it runs short of logic why should people buy and use this EV which not only has such limits but also acquire a lot of space in your garage. How much success this electric vehicle by FDK and Takayanagi achieves in grabbing the eyeball and the purse of the public is a tale that time can tell, but the EV for sure is a creative concept.

Via: AutoMotto/Tech-On

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