Everything we need to know about Micro wind Turbine

micro wind turbine


Where water, light, or any other source fails to convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy, wind comes into power. This kind of situation prevails in the remotest rural places. The device which does this is called wind turbine. It was made official to use wind turbines for power needs of the people living in such places.

Turbines interestingly generate four times as much electricity in rural environments as compared to urban environments. According to a report, 0.4 per cent of all the UK’s electric power needs could be provided using small wind turbines mounted on rooftops and in gardens. Costs involved in installation of a large turbine can be cashed back. For just $150, a row of eight gear like turbines can be linked to adjust anywhere.


For commercial production of electricity

micro wind turbines

The arrangement of such micro turbines can be a eco-friendly source of producing electricity. Lucien Gambarota has invented new micro-turbines capable of generating electricity using 2mph wind speeds! That means that the slightest of the breezes keep turning the micro-turbines at all times. The inventor, Gambarota got inspired by the fitness clubs in Honk Kong, trying to generate a bit of renewable energy by converting cardio into voltage power. Energy produced by mounting the mills in different shapes and sizes and the slightest breezes, can be supplied to a battery for power needed to run appliances in the building.

For reliable green energy

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Though the small turbines create energy efficiently in rural settings, the urban settings of roof wind turbines may produce more carbon in the generation of electricity than the carbon produced otherwise! That means that the setting is eco-friendly in rural areas than in urban areas. Eco-conscious city dwellers must make a note of it. The grass would not be green this side!

For traveling purpose

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Sergej Kuckir has designed Ventus, a portable and fold-able wind power station that can be carried while traveling. Imagine charging done through this turbine which can be packed in a tube of 10cm diameter. Energy harvesting done while one is trekking or during scientific expedition , sounds cool!.


The greatest advantage of using micro turbines is that they are cost effective in eco-friendly way. They pay back their costs with in a small period of time. However, for a big project of power the number of such turbines would be more. Nevertheless, they save a lot of amount by being economic, return paying and bill saving. When compared to a larger one, the micro turbines score more points until used in a rural set up.

The lowdown

Wind turbines can not promise 100 percent power output at any given point of time due to wind speed fluctuations. They are noisy, cause land erosion, hazardous to birds, and need back up energy during wind fluctuations. The energy needed to produce a steady supply of wind energy is very small and thus it proves the argument that it needs the energy consumed for energy generation nullifies it’s advantage.


Micro wind turbines are fast replacing many alternative sources. Thus they are becoming very popular for all good reasons. The current replacements include sources of remote telephone call boxes and electric fences. They are highly reputed for portable applications. Considering all these, its no wonder if wind turbines powerfully start ruling the world of energy with ecological and economical advantages.

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