European forestry scientists have initiated an extensive field test to learn the impact of global warming on trees and nature. Thousands of various species of trees are being planted under the project in several European countries. Scientists will measure and monitor the trees as they grow to learn the effect of climate change and the response of trees to the new climate conditions.
From Portugal to Scotland, thousands of plants will be grown under this multi-national project. It means forestry researchers can gather data from trees that locate in diverse environments. Indeed, it is clear that global warming is probably to have a huge effect on how well trees endure and flourish in the future. As well, it can be checked how resistant trees may likely be against the imbalances climate change may prop up.
The monitoring of trees and their growth will continue in many coming decades and centuries. The trees grow very slower, so scientists will take time to get acute results from the field test. Anyway, it will bring a clear picture of the potential impact of climate change over the nature altogether. The data will be sent to the policy makers and foresters for detailed analysis and proper steps ahead.
Several European forestry agencies take part in this massive project. According to Chris Jones, who is from the Forestry Commission in Wales, it has been one of the largest trails in the forest research ever. The data from the research will contribute much into the world’s efforts to deal with the looming crisis of global warming, he hopes like many others.
Via: BBC