Ethanol Meets Huge Opposition in Shawnee County, Kansas

Nowadays, usage of Ethanol is getting immense opposition from distinct corners of the world. In the Midwest, corn ethanol has recently met a lot of anti-feelers. The major cause for this opposition is that they are visualizing its pitfall.

Usually, places where Ethanol is being grown and sold are happy with its profit. But, in Kansas’s Shawnee County scenario is a little different. During a public hearing, 100 million gallon ethanol plant was criticized. Approximately 150 people were attending this meeting and one out of 29 speakers was against it.

Major cause for such a huge opposition was pollution and usage of a lot of water. Not to forget its repelling odor, this also makes people stand in opposition. Emerald Renewable Energy has regarded corn ethanol as a subsidiary of Cargill. Well, these worries and oppositions are declared unwarranted by ERE.

Via : autobloggreen

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