Energy saving Multitap ambient light gets powered by wasted energy

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Eco Factor: Energy-saving socket strip doubles as ambient light if energy is being wasted.

We all connect appliances to a multiple socket strip, but even after using them they’re often left connected to the strip in standby mode, which wastes energy as all appliances consume a small amount of energy even during standby. Industrial designers Dong Hoon Han, Hwa Yong Shin and Dong Jin Shin have come up with a device that provides ambient light and also alerts the user about energy wastage.

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The device features built-in LED bulbs that light up, where power is being sucked by appliances that are not being used. Equipped with touch sensors, the user can withdraw power from standby appliances or use the same power to provide ambient light without turning on the lights in the room.

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Via: YankoDesign

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