Electric vehicles to keep you on the green road

electric vehicles that carry you forward on a gree

Automobile industry is indeed gearing up for the next big automobile revolution and unlike the past, this time around it does not have anything to do with either the speed of the vehicles or the designing of the exterior. It has more to do with the fuel that vehicles consume and subsequently the exhaust. With a growing pressure on the fossil fuel production due to increasing needs and the world consumer market becoming more and more aware about environmental implications, it is only wise that the makers of vehicles are choosing that path forward.

Here is another nice little collection of vehicles (If I can call them so) that offer a pleasant alternative to the existing monotony. Chilectra is selling a series of electric vehicles since the beginning of this month that not only are eco friendly, but also save on your money. These vehicles might be a touch expensive when you buy them but would very soon show you how valuable they really are when they save on your gasoline bills. The moped launched by them comes in an attractive, tangy red color and is priced at $ 2,780, which is pretty reasonable for a vehicle that has an electric motor. If you charge it once, it would last you a good 65km reaching a top speed of 60km/hr.

It also offers a range of bicycles at around $212 and those who are too lazy to peddle sometimes can put an electric motor on it; but that is only an accessory. It also offers an eco friendly tri-cycle (Not to say that normal tri-cycles use petrol and produces carbon emissions). The range offers a nice little gift for this Christmas season and also helps you start off on an eco friendly path. So spread the joy of this festive season in a green way on wheels.

Via: Fayer Wayer

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