Electric Lamborghini Rompighiaccio concept glows green in luxury

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

Eco Factor: Zero-emission concept car powered by electricity.

The Lamborghini Rompighiaccio concept by designer Denis Archambault tries to break the thought that super cars can’t be ecological. The vehicle takes inspiration from the snow sculpts created by wind in the Arctic landscape and also by a wolf’s anatomy. The absence of the distinctive engine allows utilization of space in a better way.

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

With a zero-emission electric drive, the concept will not produce any emissions, while offering the same performance as its gas-powered competitors. The interiors have also been created to give a new experience to the occupants. The seats move and get closer as the speed of the car increases.

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

The passenger seat can also be removed completely, bringing the driver in the center of the car, a position most favorable when riding this beast on a race track. The rear spoiler also adjusts its shape at high speeds to lower the speed without using much braking force.

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

lamborghini rompighiaccio all electric concept car

Thanks: [Denis Archambault]

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