Green Xmas: Electric eel used to power Christmas tree

electric eel used to power xmas lights

My, I am really impressed with whoever came up with the idea of powering a Christmas tree with the help of an electric eel. Surprised? Well, in case you did not know- as the name suggests, this particular species of fish is capable of generating powerful electric shocks, which it uses for both hunting and self-defense.

What a brilliant way of harnessing the electric eel’s powers!

If you are wondering how it works, well each time the electric eel at aquarium touches a copper wire in its tank, it sends power that lights up the globes decking a Christmas tree!

If you would like to take a personal look at this ingenious Christmas tree, then make your travel plans to visit the Aqua Toto Gifu in Japan.

via: Mdn Mainichi

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