Eco Trucks: A new SES rescue unit created by recyling the previous one

ses TMiPF 5638

Eco Factor:
SES unit refitted and installed by recycling the previous unit.

A new rescue unit from Gloucester SES is on the road once again. What interested me most is that it’s a recycled version of the earlier unit. It’s a truck that is the outcome of dedicated efforts of local volunteers who devoted time for refitting and installation of parts. SES Oxley Region controller Peter Floyd came to inspect the unit and appreciated this tremendous job.

A check worth $38,500 presented to SES helped them to buy the vehicle. Further, Mr. Floyd wishes to motivate the volunteers in every possible way and is planning to provide about $600,000 for the Oxley region. This amount will be employed to initiate a changeover program for vehicles in the SES fleet.

The Dark Side:

The unit, a truck, is no doubt an ethical work. However, more contribution can be given if the emissions are also reduced by converting it into a hybrid or electric vehicle.

Via: Gloucester Advocate

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