Eco Tech: World’s largest electricity generating desalination plant begins operation

desalination plant

Eco Factor: Desalination plant produces potable water from seawater and generates green electricity.

Residents of Saudi Arabia have always felt crisis for freshwater and scientists have come up with some outrageous solutions to tackle the problem. A research group even proposed to tow an iceberg from Antarctica all the way to Saudi Arabia for use as freshwater. However, the plan which finally meets reality is a more conventional one – a seawater desalination plant, which is being touted as the world’s largest.

The plant has been constructed in the New Jubail II Industrial Zone in the Kingdom’s Eastern Province. Apart from providing 800,000 cubic meters of freshwater for cities in the Eastern Province, the plant will also generate 2,750MW of electricity. Freshwater produced by the $3.8 billion desalination plant will be transported thousands of miles for use by the residents.

Via: GreenProphet

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