Eco Tech: UN to launch ‘CO2 Cube’ as a visual demonstration of carbon emissions

co2 cube

Eco Factor: CO2 Cube to help encourage people to live a sustainable life.

We frequently hear that an average person in the industrialized world is emitting one metric ton of CO2 into the atmosphere each month, and the figure simply doubles for an individual living in the United States. However, most people aren’t really aware of the exact meaning of carbon emissions and find it hard to calculate how big a metric ton of CO2 is exactly.

The UN is trying to educate people and encourage them to lower their carbon emissions by launching the CO2 Cube December 1. The three-story high cube carries exactly one ton of CO2 measured and stored at standard atmospheric pressure. The sustainably designed art cube, on the waters of St. Jørgens Lake honors the historic UN Climate Change Conference.

Via: ArtDaily

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