Eco Friendly Gadgets: Rehydr8 ensures cool potable water!

rehydr uq1uG 11446 Eco Factor: Water filter-cum-chiller uses thermo-acoustic refrigeration. Justine Smith introduces Rehydr8 water filter and chiller system that uses novel thermo-acoustic refrigeration technology. This technology ensures better filtration and cooling owing to a remarkable concept. It uses sound waves to create pressure and accordingly, sort the impurities out. Also, a cool temperature is ensured while eco-friendly gases are made use of. The Rehydr8 guarantees absolutely chilled water as it supplies users with reusable bottles having an en suite thermometer made of thermo-chromic plastic. Not to miss, these bottles are crafted in polycarbonate. Thus, Smith does a commendable job in encouraging use of filtered tap water. rehydr2 Izgeg 11446 The Dark Side: Though it’s a great concept, I think it would be somewhat expensive and a bit inept as it might require a lot of energy to generate enough pressure. Well, I can’t say anything positively as the full specs of the product are still to surface. Via: YankoDesign

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