Eco Tech: PVT Solar panels bring the best of two worlds together

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Eco Factor: Photovoltaic system uses heat generated to power a solar thermal system.

Conventional photovoltaic systems are not really concerned with the heat that is generated in the process of converting light into electricity, and the same is the case with solar thermal systems that are in need of heat and not light for similar output. PVT Solar is pioneering a technology that will bring the best of these two technologies together to reduce any type of energy loss.

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The company is claiming that these solar cogeneration panels are three times more efficient that conventional solar energy generation systems available on the market today. The system is based on the use of standard photovoltaic systems to generate electrical energy from the sun, and power a solar thermal system with all the heat that is usually wasted in photovoltaic systems.

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Apart from reusing heat and generating electricity, the system is expected to boost the PV output by keeping the panels cooler, because the output of a PV panel decreases when the panel gets too hot. With this development the company has become the first to commercialize the technology for residential use.

Via: Inhabitat

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