Eco Architecture: Modular skyscraper for Mexico is designed to remain modern

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Eco Factor: Sustainable skyscraper for Mexico generates solar electricity.

Designed to bring Mexico on the green map of the world, Jorge Hernandez de la Garza Architects have designed a skyscraper that will not only be off-grid, but will also grow veggies for the inhabitants. Due to the increase in modern development, Mexico City is soon marching toward a catastrophe where the cultural and sustainable potential of the city is under threat. This new skyscraper is designed to improve the living conditions without having any negative impact on the environment.

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The demand needed the structure to be as flexible and green as possible and the demands were answered in the form of a modular skyscraper, in which different modules are stacked on top of one another to complete the design and offer room for any enhancements in the future. These modules don’t just offer space for living and working, but provide ample area for urban farming, water reclamation and solar energy collection.

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As the modules rise vertically, they also spread horizontally to create canopies for street level commerce. The modules can also be rearranged to incorporate more modules or to change the overall design of the skyscraper.

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Via: ArchDaily

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