Eco Tech: Paper battery for wearable electronics made from algae cellulose

paper batteries

Eco Factor: Non-metallic battery made from cellulose.

While industrial designers are envisioning a world where electronics won’t be hard but would be flexible enough to be integrated into clothing or product packaging, researchers are trying to develop batteries that will have the potential to power these futuristic electronic systems.

Researchers over ACS have developed a paper-thin battery made from paper which can be used to power electronics in clothing and packaging material. The battery was made by a nano-thin coating of PPy (polypyrrole) on individual cellulose fibers, which in turn can be molded into paper sheets of exceptionally high internal porosity.

The cellulose required for the battery is extracted from certain specials of green algae, with 100 times the surface area of cellulose found in paper. The battery consists of electrodes of identical pieces of composite paper separated by filter paper soaked with sodium chloride serving as electrolyte.

This battery can be recharged faster than other conventional rechargeable batteries and is well suited for applications involving flexible electronics. These researchers are hoping for a future where several square yards in size can be powered.

Via: ScienceDaily

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