Eco Tech: Moog Japan’s new system will prevent wind turbines from a stormy end

moog japan

Eco Factor: Sensors to measure the tension on the blades of a wind turbine.

Wind turbines are usually considered dangerous due to the lack of adequate systems to monitor the condition of the blades, which further could prevent a catastrophic end of this renewable energy generator. Moog Japan Ltd. is out there to prevent all those turbines from falling apart even in the slightest of storms by developing a sensor-based system that will measure the tension on the blades of the turbines every second.

The system is based on four load sensors that are installed at the base of each blade to measure distortion. It then alters the pitch angle to reduce load on the wings when the wind is strong. The system is so effective that it can measure distortions up to 4,500 μstrain (0.45%) at a resolution of 1 μstrain and 25 times per second. The inventors claim that the use of the system can increase the lifetime of wind turbines while preventing them from breaking apart in case of a storm.

The Dark Side:

If we go by the claims Moog Japan are making, we have to state that this could be the only technology missing from wind turbines so far. Making turbines safe is at utmost priority and any technological advancement in the field is praiseworthy.

Via: TechOn

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