Eco Tech: Google announces freeware to monitor energy usage


Eco Factor: Energy-monitoring software.

To help homeowners monitor energy usage, Google has announced free software that will allow them to mitigate the effects of global warming, without paying anything extra for the effort. Google has stated that the company is in talks with interested clients in the United States, Europe and Asia to make the product available to the general public as soon as possible.

The software will show real-time energy consumption statistics over a telephone or the user’s computer. Google claims that their software will enable homeowners to save up to 15% of energy, which usually is wasted in running appliances that are not actually being used.

The Dark Side:

Rather than enabling consumers to shut down the appliances that are not being used, the software simply monitors energy consumption. This can be good for an eco-conscious homeowner, but for others it’ll just be simple tool without much use. However, since the software will come for free there is no harm in trying it.

Via: Reuters

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