Eco Tech: Free software shuts down unused PCs to save energy

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Eco Factor: Software to reduce energy usage.

Researchers claim that if an average PC is left on for 24 hours a day but used only for 40 hours a week, it uses about 17KW of electricity, of which about 13KW is wasted. This wastage of electricity not only shows its toll on the environment but also costs big organizations up to £13,000 monthly. This energy can be used for other more valuable purposes and hence should be preserved.

The University of Liverpool has developed innovative software, which can save these much needed electrons from getting wasted. This free of cost software can be installed over a network of computers and can be accessed from the master system. Residing on the client, the software monitors computer use, and if a computer has not been used for over a period of 30 minutes, it automatically powers down the system. The free software can be downloaded here.

The Dark Side:

Monitoring a computer for manual use and powering it down if no one touches it will not always be efficient. Sometimes some important files are being downloaded and mostly during this case no one touches the computer for a long period of time, but that doesn’t mean that the computer is not being used.

Via: TechRadar

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