Eco Tech: Formula Zero shows the clean future of car racing

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Eco Factor: Zero emission car race of zero-emission vehicles.

While Formula One brings thrills, high-speed cornering and tensions among fans, Formula Zero strives to bring all that without any harmful emissions. Organized by a Dutch company, the car race requires vehicles that are powered by hydrogen-fueled engines that emit water vapor as they run across the track at a top speed of 45mph.

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The company states that they may be starting small, but they have bigger plans. For now they are using go-karts but they’re hoping for full-sized cars by 2011. Auto manufacturers like Tesla have already incorporated hi-end electric engines in their vehicles with the company’s Tesla Roadster achieving 60mph in just 3.9 seconds. The next step will be to use the technology in other vehicles as well.

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The Formula Zero racetrack recently witnessed a green race, where teams from Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain competed. The competition was intense, with the Belgium team being the first to cross the checkered flag.

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Via: GreenDiary/The Independent

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