Eco Homes: Quebec architect designs dream home from dilapidated shipping containers

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Eco Factor: Home made from recycled shipping containers.

We’ve seen shipping containers being turned into everything from luxurious homes to fast food restaurants, which does prove that old shipping containers can be used to build tough structures that are green and affordable. Trusting the strength of shipping containers, a Quebec architect and his wife have designed their dream home using seven old steel shipping containers.

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The three-bedroom dream home is made from conventional shipping containers that measure six meters in height and 2.5 meters in width. The containers are arranged in an unconventional Cubist design that takes advantage of the natural slope setting. While some containers are stacked upright, others are stacked on top of each other.

To keep the interiors well insulated, windows of different sizes and shaped have been carved on the shipping containers. For insulation the house relies on five inches of urethane insulation that has been added to the outer layer, which are then finally protected by brown wood siding. Unlike other similar homes which cost over $400,000, this shipping container home is built at an expense of $175,000.

Via: CTV

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