Eco Homes: House on the Water brings sustainability to nomadic life offshore

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Eco Factor: Concept home designed to harvest natural sources for water and power.

While the world today needs self-sufficient homes and skyscrapers that don’t depend on utilities for power and other requirements, designers are also developing sustainable dwellings for the worst case scenario, where people will be forced to live on water. Folks over at FormoDesign have come with a House on the Water design, which is a self-sufficient home for nomadic life offshore.

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The house is designed to make maximum use of natural sources like solar energy and tidal energy for power. The core of the house is made of concrete, which is combined with steel cantilever structures. In addition to the use of renewable sources for energy, the home also includes systems to conserve energy, recycle water and heat. Energy is also conserved with a computer driven shading system.

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Via: ArchDaily

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