Eco Gadgets: Zuvo Water Filter aims to reduce the use of bottled water

zuvo water filter

Eco Factor: Water filter to reduce plastic waste.

With billions of plastic water bottles being discarded every year, governments all over the world are trying to encourage people to use tap water so as to prevent all that plastic from going into the landfills. However, health conscious homeowners mostly doubt the quality of tap water and prefer their own health over the health of the environment. The Zuvo Water Filter is out to make people change their opinion about tap water, using nature’s water cleansing process.

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The water filter uses a patented five-step cleansing process that includes ozonation, UV exposure, photo-oxidation, activated carbon filtration with lead removal and post filtration UV treatment. The end result of all these processes is clean water that is as fit for drinking as packaged water.

The filter is best suited for areas such as Asia and Mexico where fresh tap water isn’t actually that common. The company claims that the filter will last for six months and the UV light will last for three years. The initial cost of the water filter is $200, with an additional filter costing $30. The cost might seem high for a water filter, but considering the amount that we spend on bottled water, it is actually a good deal, with an added environmental benefit.

Via: Unplggd

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