Eco Gadgets: VeryPC’s new machine puts an old light bulb to shame

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Eco Factor: VeryPC debuts new energy-efficient PCs that consume less energy than traditional light bulbs.

When it comes to high-end computing, energy efficiency takes a back seat. But companies like VeryPC are surely targeting the front slot for energy efficiency with their new pretty heavily stuffed machine dubbed the Fulwood. What is touted to be the most energy efficient PC on the market currently available, it not only consumes half the energy of conventional ecofriendly Atom-based systems, but also works about four times faster than them.

Coming in a size of about a Mac mini, this cute little machine packs the punch of an Intel P9500 2.53GHz dual core processor, 2GB RAM, 250 Gigs of storage area, Intel x4500HD graphics, DVDRW, and a remote control. This Windows Vista Premium powered machine is no mug when it comes to connectivity features, as it still manages to integrate a DVI-VGA splitter and an HDMI out port in the already small space it occupies. VeryPC states that when idle this machine uses just 21 watts when it’s running at full capacity. To be a proud owner of this eco machine you would have to spend anywhere between £868 and £1100 and some more pounds for a decent monitor, keyboard and a mouse.

The Dark Side:

The ability of the system to be used as a Media Center is the only thing we liked about this machine, because neither the processor nor the graphics are meant for gamers and other users in need of better computing. Still the promised eco factors of this machine should make it a good enough choice for low-end home users.

Via: Tech Radar

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