Eco Gadgets: SunLight – A scalable source of solar-powered illumination

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Eco Factor: Solar-powered LED light.

We have seen solar powered lighting solutions previously, but none of them was as innovative as the SunLight concept designed by Hermann Eske. The SunLight is a solar-powered light in which the solar panels are hidden below the main body. So how do you charge it? Simply open the roll and expose the solar panels to direct sunlight.

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The SunLight has been designed to be scalable. Users can add or remove LED modules according to their requirements. Each LED module comes with 2 AAAA rechargeable batteries, while one of the modules carries the illumination controller for better use of energy. The energy generated by the PV modules can also be used to charge other electronic gear you might carry for camping.

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The Dark Side:

The technology behind the concept is stunning. However, since the light contains separate batteries for all LED modules, a large scale torch might get too heavy to hold and use for a longer period of time.

Via: Core77

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