Eco Gadgets: Jim Ruck’s Hydroponic Garden is a portable organic farm

hydroponic garden

Eco Factor: Portable hydroponic garden for growing fresh herbs and vegetables.

Hydroponic plant growing technology is the latest for homeowners who want to get a fresh supply of vegetables and herbs right from their desk, without any messy garden work. With the advent of the technology, designers all over the world got their system ready to design the most practical and beautiful hydroponic system that can be a part of the living room without spoiling the overall appeal of your home.

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Jim Ruck is one such designer who has invented the “Hydroponic Garden,” which is powered by electricity and allows homeowners to grow fresh herbs and vegetables right on their desk. The product challenges the idea that plants have to be grown in soil. Nutrients and water are fed into the plant’s roots through misters located below the vegetation, thereby eliminating the need of any fertilizers and even soil for that matter.

The Dark Side:

Just like other hydroponic planting systems we have seen on EcoFriend, this one too is lacking planting space. It might be good to plant a few herbs, but doesn’t seem feasible for growing vegetables as the designer states.

Via: JimRuck

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