Eco Gadgets: iCharge Eco solar charger for mobile devices

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Eco Factor: Solar-powered mobile device charger.

If you weren’t truly impressed by the solar-powered mobile phone concept due to the lack of any 3G features, here is a more conventional way to make your mobile devices green. The iCharge Eco is a new solar powered charger that not only charges your iPhone but works fantastically well with other devices that include PSP, iPod, Nintendo DS and mobile phones. The charger delivers an output of 5 V and 600 mA and comes with a 1,350mAh battery that takes about 3.5 hours to charge via an AC adapter, 5 hours via USB and 15 hours via solar panels.

The Dark Side:

Apart from the normal drawbacks of solar energy, the charge time of 15 hours will make everyone impatient. The device however is good enough if there are no other means available to charge your mobile devices.

Via: AkihabaraNews

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