Eco Architecture: Dome House rotates to get the most out of the sun

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Eco Factor: Sustainable dome house by Domespace Homes.

Manufactured by Domespace Homes, the Solaleya Dome House is a solution to the ever growing demand for clean electricity and sustainability. Designed by Patrick Marsilli, the Dome House is a futuristic house that hosts a variety of features that makes it stand out from the rest. The overarching roof features skylights for bright, sunlit interiors.

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The house rests on a mechanical structure that allows it to rotate 360 degrees, thereby maximizing sun absorption by the roof mounted solar panels. Ninety percent of the house is made from FSC-certified wood, and eco-friendly cork has been used for insulation. The Dome House also wins our heart on security as it has been designed to withstand category 5 hurricanes and earthquakes up to magnitude 8 on the MSK scale.

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The Dark Side:

Apart from allowing the solar panels to get the most out of the sun, the rotation of the house will make things uncomfortable for those who live inside it.

Via: Trendir

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