Eco Gadgets: eva2o trusts age-old practices to keep food fresh without using electricity

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Eco Factor: Concept fruit cooler relies on water evaporation.

While refrigerators have replaced traditional means to keep fruits and veggies fresh, the rise in demand for appliances that conserve energy has tempted industrial designers to go through some history books and bring devices that were long lost and forgotten into the 21st century.

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Industrial designer Dennis Cheng has successfully used an age-old technology to keep fruits and veggies fresh in a conceptual device dubbed the eva2o. The concept device keeps fruits and vegetables cool by using the cooling produced by evaporating water. The unit is a double-walled earthenware body with a rotating glass lid. All the system needs is some water. As the moisture passes through the earthenware walls, heat is pulled away, leaving a cooled interior.

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Via: YankoDesign

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