Eco Gadgets: Energy-saving Eco-Switch for careless homeowners

eco switch

Eco Factor: Multiple appliances controlled by a single switch reduce energy wastage.

How many times has it happened to you that you’ve turned off the computer but forgot to turn off the peripherals installed with it? If it’s not easy for you to remember to turn off each of the peripherals when the computer isn’t working, why not opt for a switch that does that automatically? The Eco-Switch is the answer, which lets users reposition the power point to a preferred spot where it’s easy for you to control your appliances using a single switch.

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The Eco-Switch is easy to install and even reduces fire risks. The developers of the system believe that these switches can save users more than $80 a year by reducing the standby power and at the same time preventing 1.5 tons of greenhouse gases from being emitted into the atmosphere.

Via: Gizmag

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