Eco Gadgets: Eclipse debuts solar charging bags made from recycled materials

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Eco Factor: Eclipse’s solar gear designed to charge portable electronics.

You often carry your electronic gear along whenever you go out for a picnic. While staying at an uninhabited location thrills our senses, the unavailability of a charging station nearby puts an end to all the enjoyment. Eclipse’s solar gear is designed to keep you in party mood whenever you go out camping. The company has recently launched a new range of Fusion Messenger bags that are made from durable nylons and recycled materials, and have an integrated solar charging module that can charge all your gadgets you keep inside it using a 12V auto adapter. The bags are available in a variety of colors and carry a limited lifetime warranty for materials and workmanship.

The Dark Side:

Bags are not normally kept in the sun. The owners of these bags, however, have to make sure that the bag gets a decent amount of sunlight so that it can recharge their gadgets. Moreover, the unavailability of a battery pack inside also means that users won’t be able to store charge for nighttime charging of gadgets.

Via: BusinessWire

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