Eco Gadgets: Bamboo Slider – Sustainable protection for iPhone

bamboo cases

Eco Factor: iPhone case made from recycled bamboo.

What good are worn-out chopsticks and broken bamboo scaffoldings? For some it might be just another type of waste soon to reach the landfills, but for others it’s a neat material to protect your neat gadgets. The Bamboo Slider case developed by Incase is made from bamboo pulp made from recycled bamboo that was actually used in chopsticks and scaffoldings.

Being light in weight, the case ensures that your beloved Apple gear doesn’t get bulky and is neither scratched. The company claims that 40% of the case is made from reclaimed bamboo and the rest is made from unused bamboo. Since bamboo is the fastest growing woody plant on the planet, even new bamboo is always better than plastic. The cases can be purchased from the Incase store for $34.95.

Via: Unplggd

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