Eco Gadget: OLED touch screen light – A green way to reduce power bills

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EcoFactor: Green indicator that gives notifications about electricity consumed.

Everyone claims to be eco-conscious these days, but saying and doing are two different things. If you actually want to do your bit toward saving the environment, I suggest you start making some changes right away. For example, investing in green products could help the world go a long way! Similarly, the OLED touchscreen light by Rocco Avallone is another high potential green product that gives the user vital information about the electricity consumed.

The device works as a control and feedback system that motivates people to save electricity by presenting them live electricity information via graphics. When people know they are using too much or if they are using an acceptable amount, they do not have an excuse for being energy gluttons. By setting an acceptable use for a house based on size and occupants, people can pace themselves. The design not only replaces the old familiar icon of the rectangle light switch but also adds the green bit to it, for a safer and healthy tomorrow.

The Dark Side:
The idea of a power consumption indicator switch is a good way to limit the unnecessarily growing energy usage. I give this gadget a thumb up for its sheer potential and intent!

Via: Igreenspot

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