Eco-friendly waterless carwash with no petro-chemicals

eco friendly carwash 9Banking on the latest wave of environmental concern, old product can be of much help to a new market, as per the present market demand and necessity. With emission related taxes being imposed in several regions in the world, one cannot wait to find if they will even be taxed for wasting lots of water to keep their cars clean!

With waterless car washing products been rapidly taken off in areas with strict water regulations — like the UK and Australia, America has been slow on the uptake. But, with newer environment-friendly regulations being imposed, hope it will hit the US market soon as well.

Hoping the waterless car washing systems’ positive ride into America, the Eco Touch waterless car care system has come up with cheap and easy to use product. It also contains no petro-chemicals, to add to balming the environmental owes.

One bottle of Eco Touch is capable of washing dozens of cars to near-show-room shine. It thus, will be able to save thousands of gallons of water, keeping the toxic grime from your car out of lakes and rivers at the same time.

Sounds profitable and environment-friendly, isn’t it?

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