Eco-friendly Cotton bags from Norquest


Pollution is like ghost, always around us, whether its water, air or soil and plastic is one major component readily available to contaminate our environment.

Its inorganic, that is, you cannot decompose it and if deposited in the soil, affects adversely its fertility and similarly toxic when left in water.

Activists for a greener world should be proud of those looking for the good of our environment like Norquest, who has shown great commitment towards reducing soil as well as water pollution by contributing with their 100 % cotton bags.

In such conditions, these eco-friendly cotton bags are excellent substitute as it can be re-used hundreds of times and are most economical advertising and promotional medium in the world.

So let’s not create line of plastic bags and ugly tangle of junk if substitute is available.

Image Credit: Badlani

Via: Myninjaplease

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