Eco Energy: Madagascar’s solar-powered clinics mark the difference between life and death!

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EcoFactor: Medical facilities in rural Madagascar are being powered by solar panels, not just ensuring the spread of green energy but also saving many lives.

There are many occasions when clean energy sources are much more effective than conventional fossil fuel sources. This is all the more true in continents such as Africa where most of the terrain is inhospitable and isolated from the remainder of the world. It is both economically and physically impossible to provide wired power to these places. It is in such a situation that solar power comes in as the savior. Solar power is abundant in a nation like Madagascar and clinics in the rural part of this country are being fitted with solar rooftops to ensure that they provide proper services to patients. These panels, provided by the Development Intervention Fund, help the facilities get rid of gas-guzzling generators and offer energy to otherwise “dark” medical environments. Twenty-seven clinics have so far been fitted with photovoltaic panels, at a cost of $700,000, which seems a small price to pay for the number of lives they would end up saving.

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The Dark Side:

We have always believed that any technology that ends up saving lives is always welcome, as nothing is more precious than human life. So, this is a winner all the way.

Via: Inhabitat

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