Eco Design: ElectraWall -The cylindrical light generating device

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EcoFactor: Solar-powered light producing and accumulating system.

ElectraWall is a light-harvesting electrical generator and accumulator introduced by Solaroad Technologies Group LLC. Cylindrical in shape, this new technology has the ability to collect and store energy. The storing capacitor saves energy so that the power can be used later.

The company claims that the device can make electricity at any time, be it day or night. Thus, the photovoltaic device that uses heat and light from the sun to generate electricity is ideal for providing lighting to highways, light poles and various other structures. This hassle free system is made out of recycled materials and can be easily installed. ElectraWall, with its brilliant features, has immense potential, and for these reasons the device is highly effective in energy production compared to any current energy system.

Dark Side:

ElectraWall has great potential and has certainly come a long way in comparison to similar devices. But I wonder about its efficiency during the rainy season. The company claims that the system will function in any condition, but they don’t have any proof or a rough estimate on the electricity that can be produced to back this claim. A little more product information is a good way to promote the product and to drive away the existing inhibitions about the device.

Via: Ecogeek

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