Eco Architecture: Solar powered shipping containers serve as Mirabeau B Sales Center

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Eco factor: These types of portable structures double up the eco element by using discarded shipping containers that are powered by the sun’s energy.

We have seen condos and housing concepts based on shipping containers with the idea to recycle these bulky cast-off containers. Putting them to use is not too novel. However, powering up the whole set up with solar energy is the focus. The Mirabeau B Sales Center is based on this concept to highlight the need for prefab offices. Designed by Metalab, two 20-foot containers are tweaked with solar panels that are supposed to generate 180 kilowatt hours per month. Also, on a cloudy day or at night, the solar panels on the roof can be collapsed. At present, such an eco construction is intended to serve as a visual promotion of the project, the real estate agent’s office, material sample display and as a public interpretive center for sustainable architecture.

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Being completely portable, once the site job is done, the whole setup can be disassembled and shipped to other locations. Metalab asserts that the racking for the containers is designed to handle up to 30 solar panels. This would provide enough power to run a typical residence.

Dark Side: I don’t see many downsides of these solar-powered structures. Except for the fact that when the sun shies away, there has to be some provision for hooking it up to a grid to draw power.

Via: Swamplot

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