Eco cleaning: Clean your toilets the natural way

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We spend a fortune on buying cleaning products to keep our house spic and span. Although commercial cleaning products make our domestic lives easier, most of them contain chemicals which produce fumes that are suffocating and hazardous. Try a natural and effective alternative by making a cleaning product at home which is not only kid safe and environmentally safe but also light on your pocket.

Here is an easy formula to keep your toilets fresh and sparkling clean:

Mix 1 cup of borax and 1/2 a cup of lemon juice or white vinegar to make a nice paste in a bowl. Spread this paste into the toilet bowl and leave it for some time. Use a scrubber to scrub it off and flush the toilet. Watch your toilet sparkle and smell good. You could add a few drops of essential oils like lavender oil or neroli while making the paste to get a floral smell.

Borax deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap while White Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and is great for removing mineral and lime deposits, whitening, cleaning hard surfaces and windows, and shining metal surfaces. It can used as a substitute for ammonia based cleaners.

Keep your family healthy by making the best use of natural ingredients available to clean your house and treat them with the money you save on the commercial cleaning products.



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