Eco Cars: Mercedes Benz F-Cell to be available in US next year

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission car powered by hydrogen.

Mercedes-Benz has officially announced the launch of its first series-produced fuel cell car on the road. The F-Cell car will offer a performance similar to a 2.0-liter petrol car and will be fully suited for everyday driving. The car consumes an equivalent of 3.3 liters of diesel for a 100km drive.

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The fuel efficient vehicle will hit US next year and will only be available on very limited leases. The car’s electric motor has a peak torque of 290Nm and has a top speed of about 170kmph. Unlike electric cars of today, which need hours for a complete recharge, it only takes about 3 minutes to refill the F-Cell. The car will initially be available in regions with the greatest number of hydrogen filling stations.

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Via: Jalopnik

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