Eco Cars: Electric Hyperion – Are we so near to a weird future?

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Eco Factor: Concept car powered by lithium-ion batteries.

Electrifying cars is the best possible and practical way to curb the rising percentages of GHGs in our atmosphere. Keeping the demands of the future in mind, concept designers all over the world are bringing the future of their anticipation to a form in which we all can see it. Similar is the case with Marco Aurelio Galán Henríquez, who has designed an electric car named “Hyperion,” meaning “Titan” in Greek mythology.

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Apart from a weird shape, the designer aims to put in the best possible eco-friendly technology in the car, that includes a lithium-ion battery powered AC synchronous motor in the front. The 4.5m X 2.5m X 1.6m body of the concept is to be developed with carbon fiber reinforced plastic, which promises safety without increasing the gross weight of the car. The lightweight body of the car enables its electric engines to propel it to speeds in excess of 200 Km/h.

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The Dark Side:
Hyperion guarantees great technology and cool performance, but the weird looks of the car can mean that this “Titan” too will just remain a part of mythology.

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[Thanks: Marco Aurelio Galán Henríquez]

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