Eco Cars: Bionamic gets powered by millions of body-mounted solar cells

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission electric car powered by solar energy.

The enhancement in solar technology has made it possible for car designers to incorporate tiny solar modules on the body of the car to generate energy on the move. The Bionamic by Güney Kol is one such car that will use the technology to perfection. The electrically-powered four-wheeler is designed with a stunning visual appeal and an eye toward practicality as well.

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Like all electric cars, this one too requires a lightweight yet strong body, which in this case is made from a passive elastic sheathing made of carbon/metal nanotube alloy. Apart from the elastic exterior, the car also carries a tougher layer, which is a carbon nanotube muscle suit. The muscle suit houses millions of tiny solar modules that are precisely positioned to get the most out of the sun.

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Apart from the on-board solar electricity generators, the car also makes use of an Ion Intake System that absorbs ions from the environment and converts them into usable energy to propel the car. Instead of a conventional steering wheel, the car is controlled by a pair of joysticks that are placed to make driving easier.

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Via: Tuvie

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