Eco Boats: Leviathan self-sufficient electric yacht runs on solar and wind energy

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission concept yacht gets powered by renewable sources of energy.

The Leviathan concept yacht is the work of industrial designer Adam Valmassoi, who believes that the sun and wind have the potential to green your next cruise. The ecofriendly self-sufficient yacht runs on two electric jet pump engines, which are powered by wind turbines and solar panels on board the yacht.

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Both decks on the Leviathan are lined with large solar panels capable of supporting the weight of multiple passengers. In addition to harnessing solar power, the yacht also harvests wind energy using a large, multi-direction turbine that lowers and becomes flush when the yacht is completely charged and not in use. Moreover, smaller vertically-aligned turbines are contained within ducts so parts moving at high speeds are not exposed.

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The majority of the yacht is fabricated entirely out of expandable polypropylene. Run boards for the hull are formed from the same mold and connected in a floorboard fashion, which are then laid in place, and all parts are laser welded together for a seamless and structurally sound fit. For extra support, a second form is created, which provides closure and support to the exposed upper side of the hull.

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The yacht is powered by two electric jet pump engines, which are placed side by side along the inside of the boat’s keel. A jet pump is primarily contained within the body of the boat, which allows the electric engine to stay dry while controlling parts exposed to water. The electric engines are powered by lithium batteries lined along the bottom of the hull, which are charged by the renewable energy generators.

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Thanks: [Adam Valmassoi]

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