Eco Architecture: SOM’s Digital Media City will be the tallest tower in East Asia

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Eco Factor: Sustainable tower harvests solar and wind energy for power.

SOM has unveiled the design for the Digital Media City Landmark Tower, which when completed in 2014, will be the tallest tower in East Asia. The 640m tall tower is designed to be constructed in Seoul, Korea and be self-sufficient in terms of energy.

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The iconic tower, located north of the Han River, will make use of both active and passive solar technologies to generate renewable electricity and reduce energy consumption. The eastern and western facades will be equipped with a pattern of both horizontal and vertical fins to shield the tower from early and late day sun, while the southern face shades it from the high afternoon sun.

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The arrangement along with a soaring crown, which is equipped with a wind turbine, generates electricity and channels natural light. The renewable energy generators that includes the wind turbine, solar photovoltaic collectors and stack effect, allow the tower to generate its own power, thereby reducing the impact on the ecosystem.

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Via: ArchDaily

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