Eco Bikes: Korean fashion designer designs folding commuter bicycle

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Eco Factor: Folding bicycle designed by Andre Kim.

Until solar and wind-powered cars get cheap enough for the common man to afford, bikes will retain the first place in zero-emission transit. Though slow, bikes are undisputed winners over cars in traffic jams, which will get even worse with the amount of cars being sold every year on a rise. Samchuly has unveiled a new commuter bike for all those who love carrying their bikes in their car’s boot.

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The Minivelo AF2014 offers more than a simple feeling of helping the environment as you ride along as the bike has been designed by Korea’s renowned fashion designer Andre Kim. The folding bicycle can easily be enclosed in your car’s boot to allow you to carry it easily. The bike is available in white and black color at a suggested price of 385,000(KRW) or about $300.

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Via: Aving

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