Eco Tech: Japan’s speedy, fuel efficient and low noise train

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Eco Factor: Energy efficient and low noise bullet train.

How would you react to the concept of a fast-moving, power resourceful train? I am certain that it is something worth a wait for every environment lover. This Environmentally Friendly Super Express Train (efSET) with a speed of 217 mph, has a nice increase over the previous train, which moved at 186 mph.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd, the makers of the efSET, say apart from being more energy efficient, the train will also be less noisy and offer better riding comfort through a superior electrical control mechanism and a highly aerodynamic body design. I love the fact that the makers have outlined their plans to build not only Japan’s fastest train, but to engineer it with the environment in mind. The company plans to finalize the design by next year. After testing it in Japan, Kawasaki plans to turn the efSET into a worldwide bestseller.

The Dark Side:
I don’t see any real downside to this concept, as the idea of a train with low noise and less energy consumption than its forerunners is a good thing for the environment.

Via: Inhabitat

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